
Meet & Greet

Welcome to Meet & Greet.

A link-up for green blogs on Reduce Footprints Blog

Below you will find a list of blogs which were featured at "Meet and Greet". There are some wonderful blogs and bloggers listed. I encourage you to visit them ... they have a lot to say about the environment!

The Current Feature

June - Time to say Goodbye

Previous Features

The following are Meet & Greet posts listed in chronological order. Check them out and get acquainted with some great people who have fabulous blogs:

May - My Eco 20s & World Changing Me
April - Pollution Pollution
March - Organic 4 Greenlivings
February - My Green Nook
October - Save Energy, Save Money
September - Green Global Travel
August - Garry Rogers Nature Conservation
July - EcoFriendlyLink
June - USAgain
May - Urban Naturale
April - Jen & Joey Go Green
March - The Wellness Wife