
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Guest Post - Do your bit for the Environment and Cycle!

After Christmas and the New Year celebrations, it is normally this time of year when the January blues start to set in, and most people start setting resolutions as they promise themselves to detox and get fitter.

So, there is no better time than now to start thinking about how these resolutions can not only help your own well-being but also the environment.
Nowadays, we are all becoming more environmentally focused, trying to do our bit wherever we can and live a greener lifestyle, whether that’s re-using carrier bags in supermarkets, buying organic produce or recycling effectively at work and at home.

Primera Sports - a leading bike retailer - is going to outline for Reduce Footprints how taking up cycling this New Year can not only fulfil your resolution to get fitter, but will also help save the environment. Primera Sports readily tries to encourage people to cycle and educates them about the environmental benefits that go with taking up this sport. Here they explain why cycling can help make your life a lot greener and provide top tips for anyone looking to get into cycling this New Year.

The Facts

In this day and age, most people own a motor vehicle which they use regularly for trips; trips that could easily be undertaken in a more environmentally friendly manner. One option to reduce your carbon footprint would be cycling for these trips instead, therefore avoiding the harmful emissions from being released into the eco-system.

Cycling in rush hour traffic is a low carbon way to travel that will not only reduce your queuing time, but will also improve your fitness levels. By taking your car off the road you will cut the level of CO2 emitted, as a vehicle in traffic will produce three times the amount of emissions than one travelling at a constant speed!

The Kit

So if you want to hang up your car keys and cycling sounds like something you would like to take up then you will need the appropriate equipment to ensure you are safe and to also improve cycling performance.

Firstly, you will need to choose a bike that suits the type of cycling you will be undertaking (whether that will be road or off road), and that the bike fits your body; if you are not comfortable on your own bike this will hinder your ride as well as deter you from cycling in the future.

A great range of bikes to check out if you are looking to get a new bike is the Specialized range. Specialized bikes are expertly designed by people who understand what makes a great bike. Their innovative designs enhance performance because of their lightweight frames and augmented characteristics. With a bike for every terrain you may encounter, you can be assured you will find a Specialized bike to suit you.

At Primera Sports we also offer customers a bike fitting service to ensure every bike is properly fitted, making every mile more comfortable!

Next you will need to think about the cycling clothing and accessories, especially if you are thinking about using a bike to commute into work. There are many reputable cycling brands on the market such as Assos and Endura clothing that craft cycling clothes perfect for any budding cyclist. You need to ensure that the clothing you pick combines insulation and breathability; this makes it more versatile and allows you to wear it in various different conditions.

When cycling you must consider your safety; if you are going to be riding in the dark then make sure you can be seen by others by having lights installed onto your bike and wearing high visibility clothing. A helmet along with other protective clothing should also be worn at all times to prevent injury, or reduce the severity of the injury if you do have an accident.

We hope this post has been informative and will encourage you to take up cycling in 2013. At Primera Sports we are committed to encouraging people to get into this sport and enjoy the numerous benefits of bike riding, not only for the environment and to improve fitness but also for the fact that cycling is a fun hobby to have!

If you would like to find out further information or would like to have a look at a great range of cycling clothes, accessories and equipment (along with the ones mentioned in this post) then take a look at http:///

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, why not give cycling a go?

This piece was written by Roger Knott who works at Primera Sports, where his true passion for cycling shines through. With years of experience and knowledge of the sport, Roger along with all of Primera’s staff are able to provide their customers with expert advice on all different aspects of cycling. As an avid cyclist Roger is committed to getting more people interested in the sport, and working at Primera helps him to achieve this.