
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reduce Footprints is back (so is #CTWW & #MtaGt)

Happy New Year and welcome back to Reduce Footprints. We have a new look and some exciting activities planned for 2013.

Last year, before leaving for hiatus, I asked readers the following question: "What would you like to see on this blog in 2013?" I got some great responses and plan to incorporate them into this year's activities. Here are a few changes we'll start with:

  • Challenges will no longer include a requirement to return to this blog for an update. You'll simply be asked to accomplish the task. However, since I believe we learn from each others experiences, you are always welcome (and encouraged) to come back and update us on your activities ... it just won't be a requirement. Similar to last year, I'll continue to promote your participation via social networks.
  • I'm going to try to increase the impact of our challenges by including political pressure. Some of our challenges will ask that we sign petitions, write letters or accomplish other tasks designed to let our government and corporate leaders know that we want to "green-up" the world. If you have any other ideas on how we can do this, please let me know!
  • Some of you have asked for product reviews and favorites. So, I'll be sharing my thoughts on various Eco-friendly products and will be accepting requests for reviews of the same. Also, you are invited to share your thoughts with Reduce Footprints' readers. If you're interested in having your review featured, just drop me a line HERE.
  • It's been suggested that I include some topic posts this year so ... I'm going to get back to writing. Stay tuned!
  • This year we're going to include some surveys. Perhaps we'll ask you to imagine the world in 20 years and answer questions about how green you think the world will be ... maybe we'll ask about various green activities and find out why or why not you're embracing them. Hopefully it'll be a fun way to evaluate our environmental commitment.
  • We've had a request for more vegan recipes and since it's one of my most favorite subjects ... I'm happy to oblige. I'll be searching out delicious meals and even, perhaps, creating a few of my own.
  • Last (but certainly not least), I've been asked to include more pictures ... mine, yours ... possibly pictures of our green lives. I'll admit, I'm not good about pictures but I'll give it a try. If you have pictures that highlight something green in your life and would like to have them featured on Reduce Footprints, send them to me along with a descriptive paragraph or two.

So what do you think? Sounds like fun, doesn't it!!

Let's kick things off with a survey. Please answer the question using the poll gadget and then leave a comment elaborating on your answer.

Do you feel your green efforts are

Don't forget ... use the comments section below to tell us why you chose your answer.

Thanks everyone ... see you next time!