
Monday, January 19, 2015

Reduce Footprints is back with some changes
for 2015

Welcome back to Reduce Footprints! I hope you enjoyed the holidays and are eager to embrace a new year!

While on hiatus, I thought about how to make Reduce Footprints a better blog. Here's what we'll be doing this year:


Building an Eco-friendly home is challenging!

Owning Property & Building a House

In April of 2014, "Art" and I bought some property and began building a home. This year I'd like to share some of my thoughts with you. I'll talk about the choices we've made (and will continue to make), how we've learned to work with nature, building practices and materials, and everything concerning property ownership.


Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)

New this year will be monthly themes. Each month, I'll reveal a green theme and we'll spend the month on challenges which support that topic.

Meet & Greet

The old link-up party just wasn't working. Since the goal is to meet others of like mind and grow our green community, I decided to switch things up a bit. This year, Meet & Greet will feature a blog which I've discovered via Internet travels or one which you, dear readers, recommend. Each feature will be followed by a widget where you can recommend your own blog or sites which you'd like to share with the world. Look for this series on the 2nd Monday of each month.

Vegan Recipes

Last year it became difficult to find "guest chefs". While I understand that many food bloggers prefer that people visit their sites for recipes, I'm not comfortable giving my readers a "tease" and them forcing them to visit a different site for the recipe. I'll continue to post recipes when I can ... when generous bloggers allow us to publish a recipe in it's entirety or when I create culinary magic myself. If any of you have original, vegan creations and would like to be featured, I'd LOVE to share your recipe.



Last year's survey responses were interesting and offered us a look into the realities of living green. So we'll continue with them this year. If you have a question you'd like answered, send it to me HERE.

Holistic Living

Last year I touched on a few holistic living ideas. This year, I'll try to kick it up a notch.

My Vegan Life

A plant-based life has it's own unique challenges and joys. I'll continue to share how things work in my life. If you're curious about a particular aspect of a vegan diet, please ask.

Special Offers

While NOT shopping is always the greenest choice, there are times that we need stuff. When we do, wouldn't it be great to get a discount? Yes indeedy! So, we'll continue to host the special offers page and an occasional feature post. As with everything on this blog, please do your own due diligence. While I make every attempt to ensure that products and services on this page are truly Eco-friendly, I'm just one person doing my own research.

Reviews & Giveaways

I'll continue to offer reviews on Eco-friendly products and host fun giveaways this year. I already have a number of interesting products to share with you so ... stay tuned!

Guest Posts

I will continue to accept guest posts on Reduce Footprints. My goal is to offer readers value-added content so each submission will be reviewed and only accepted if, in my opinion, the information is interesting and aligns with the philosophy and goals of this blog. That's not to say that I will always agree with my guests. After all, we all benefit from differing thoughts and opinions.

2015 promises to be an exciting year.

I look forward to experiencing it all with you!

Images courtesy of digitalart at