
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Review - Ultimate Cleaning Package by Radiantly You

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) recipes are available, online, for just about everything. And that's great for people who are into making stuff.

Making stuff isn't for everyone. So we look to commercial products to fill our needs. In my experience, shopping for Eco-friendly products at the market is difficult. The selections are limited, the expense is high, and one has to be very careful about ingredients because not all so-called green items are actually green.

I was invited to try out the Ultimate Cleaning Package by Radiantly You.

Before agreeing to do a review, I asked about where the items are manufactured and was told that everything is made in the US (WNY). Their packaging is also made locally. The soap/shampoo packages are made out of recycled content (they are nifty cardboard containers with "please reuse & recycle" stamped into the back). Other products are packaged in plastic which is not made from recycled content but which is, itself, recyclable.

None of their products are tested on animals and most of them are vegan (some of the body care products, like the lip balm, contain bees wax).

I received several items to "test drive":
  • Tub Scrub ($8.50)
  • Counter Cleaner ($10.50)
  • Lemon Hand Soap ($5.00)
  • All-In-One Bar ($10.50)
  • Dead Sea Mud Soap Bar ($7.50)
  • Vanilla Mint Toothpaste ($9.00)
As you can see, they are reasonably priced.

My Review

All-Natural Tub Scrub by Radiantly You
All-Natural Tub Scrub
This tub scrub resembles common cleansers like Ajax, Comet, etc. Unlike those brands, it includes ingredients such as castile soap, sodium carbonate and certified organic essential oils. One simply scoops out the necessary amount, scrubs it onto the tub surface, and then rinses it away after 5-10 minutes. I used a damp cloth to apply the cleanser and it worked great.

All Natural Counter Spray by Radiantly You
All Natural Counter Spray
The counter spray includes some of the same ingredients as the tub scrub. The concentrated solution is poured into a spray bottle (which was included in the package) along with water and the spray is ready to go. It's easy to use ... spray it on and wipe it off. It worked well on oil splatters in the kitchen and shinned up the sink area in the bathroom. It smells great, too!

Invigorating Lemon Hand Soap by Radiantly You
Invigorating Lemon Hand Soap
This hand soap smells luscious! It's like washing with lemon meringue pie. It contains several oils .. organic pressed coconut oil, castor oil, and sustainably harvested organic palm oil. One or two pumps is enough to thoroughly clean one's hands. It leaves my skin feeling clean and soft.

Unscented All-In-One Bar by Radiantly You Dead Sea Mud Soap by Radiantly You
Unscented All-In-One Bar and Dead Sea Mud Soap
The all-in-one soap is great! One can use it from head to toe. As a shampoo, it creates a nice lather and left my hair feeling clean and soft. As a body soap, it cleaned my skin without drying it out. The dead sea mud soap has a slight mineral smell. Dead sea mud is know to improve the skin's natural processes. It penetrates the deep layers of the skin and helps improve blood circulation. This bar works well as a soap and I love that it has beneficial, healthy qualities.

Vanilla Mint Toothpaste by Radiantly You
Vanilla Mint Toothpaste
This toothpaste contains coconut oil which has beneficial properties. Used in the mouth, it has the ability to draw out the bacteria which gets stuck between teeth and under the gums. If you've ever used this oil, you know that it is solid at cooler temperatures. The directions on the package instruct users to scoop out a small amount and place it on the toothbrush. I found this a bit difficult because of the solid nature of the oil ... it flaked and wouldn't remain on my toothbrush. So I simply popped some into my mouth, allowing my body's temperature to melt it and then brushed as normal. I will admit that, being used to the more common cream-type paste, this product is a bit difficult for me to get used to. That said, it has a nice flavor and cleans teeth using natural, healthy ingredients.

My Thoughts

These products contain ingredients which are safe, non-toxic, and familiar. In fact, they are items which are commonly included in DIY cleaning solution recipes. So I felt confident in using them without worry.

All of the products, which I tried, worked. The cleansers left counters and the tub smelling nice with a gentle citrus smell.

In my opinion, these products would work well for anyone who likes the idea of DIY recipes but doesn't have the time or inclination to mess with them.

To order these items or browse the rest of the Radiantly You product line, click HERE.

I received Radiantly You products in order to write this review. I received no other compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone and reflect my honest opinion of the items reviewed.