
Monday, July 22, 2013

Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt) - DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning

Welcome to Meet & Greet Monday, a regular series designed to grow our green community.

A link-up for green blogs on Reduce Footprints Blog

Grab our banner for your site:

The rules:

1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or collection of environmental posts.
2. Visit at least one other blog and/or the featured site and leave a pertinent comment.
3. The link-up closes on Thursday at 6:00 pm (EDT).
4. determines the featured site each week.

Removing toxins from our homes makes environmental sense. They pollute our air, causing health issues, and often find their way into our water systems, contaminating aquatic life (not to mention our drinking water). Cleaning products are one of the biggest offenders. Just check the labels of most commercial brands and you'll find a huge list of scientific-sounding ingredients and warnings which make the product sound like Chernobyl* in a bottle. So most of us think, I'll make my own! Then we start researching, which can be a daunting task. Which ingredients are safe and kill germs/bacteria, which can be mixed, what's most effective for tough stains, etc? Thankfully, Crazy 4 Green blog owner, Tina, has done all the research for us. In DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning, you'll find a list of safe, effective ingredients to add to your cleaning kit. Tina lists the item and tells us why it's appropriate for use. Further down the page, she includes recipes ... solutions for cleaning wood, windows and even our pets. I took a look at Non-Toxic Cleaning 4 the Bathroom and found a remedy for mildew and an easy-to-make disinfectant using borax, vinegar and water. DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning is a wonderful resource, one which I'm bookmarking for future reference.

*1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident

For previous features & blogs, check out the Meet & Greet Page:

Our link-up is live. Please list your blog, visit and have fun!

PLEASE NOTE ... we're accepting links from blogs this week ... stay tuned as this will change from time to time.