
Friday, July 5, 2013

Vegan Recipe - Three Course Dinner

It started out as a dare. Small Footprints challenged Argentum Vulgaris (AV), a devout carnivore, to create a vegan dish. AV said he'd think it over. Time went by. Small wasn't holding her breath. And then, an amazing thing happened ... AV put on his chef's hat and created not one vegan dish but a multi-course meal. And what a mouth-watering meal it is! He proves that good food is simply good food ... no matter what we call it!

A huge "thank you" to AV for accepting my dare. Now, please enjoy his meal:

I am not a vegan, much less a vege, I am a carnivore; but I am also a cook.

Having been asked, tongue in cheek, by Small (knowing me to be a confirmed carnivore) to prepare a vegan dish, I have gone one better and given you a three course dinner. I cheated on the principle of the main dish and dessert, sending you off into the blogosphere for those recipes.

You’ll notice that I have not given you quantities; chefs don’t use quantities, they know how much to add.


1. Entree

Mushroom soup

Sliced mushrooms sauté with a sprinkle soya sauce. Chopped carrots, celery, quartered onion, thyme, bay leaf, add the drippings from mushrooms, boil until veges are cooked. Chuck the veges (or add them to your main dish plate). Add the mushrooms to the broth add firm tofu and blend. Serve with chives or spring onion green and a squeeze of lemon juice.

2. Main course

Stuffed potatoes
- Hollow out medium size potatoes, don’t peel. Fill with a mixture of tofu, spinach and onion soup, top with a thick round of tomato into the oven to roast.

Asparagus with Honey dressing – Honey dressing, vegan mayonnaise, half cup dry red wine, honey, Dijon mustard, dash of Tabasco sauce and salt and pepper. Pour over cold asparagus.

NB: This dressing can also be used over meat subs or vegan kebabs, or pasta.

Pita (or Syrian) bread, add hummus, and anything salady, olive oil & vinegar; roll and pin with toothpick.

Quinoa Burgers – recipe on Queen of Quinoa -

3. Dessert

Pumpkin parfait
– recipe on Sweelty Raw –

If you have a vegan recipe which you'd like to share, please contact me HERE. And for all the recipes we've shared so far, be sure to visit our recipe page using the tabs at the top of this blog ... or by clicking HERE.