
Monday, September 9, 2013

Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt) - The Squishable Baby

Welcome to Meet & Greet Monday, a regular series designed to grow our green community.

A link-up for green blogs on Reduce Footprints Blog

Grab our banner for your site:

The rules:

1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or collection of environmental posts.
2. Visit at least one other blog and/or the featured site and leave a pertinent comment.
3. The link-up closes on Thursday at 6:00 pm (EDT).
4. determines the featured site each week.

Please meet Lisa, owner and author of The Squishable Baby. I've often said that living green is simply the right thing to do and that it requires education, thought and action. Lisa epitomizes that philosophy. She researches information, develops a plan and takes action. For example, in a recent post entitled Making A Compost Bin she decided that it was time for her family to incorporate this strategy into their "green" routine. She researched the idea for quite awhile and came to the conclusion that the easiest method was the best. With minimal money spent on a few materials, she easily made a compost bin and got started. Her plan included what they would put into the bin and how each family member would contribute to composting success. That's typical of how Lisa approaches an Eco-friendly life. Here are a few things you may not know about Lisa ... she was formally trained in the field of Molecular and Cellular Biology, she holds a wedding planning and coordination certification from Weddings Beautiful International, and she makes and sells merino wool and bamboo pants for babies. Such an interesting woman!! (Just a side note: If you're interested in Eco-friendly baby clothes made from sustainable materials, Lisa is very generously offering Reduce Footprints' readers a discount ... just click on the "Special Offers" tab at the top of the Reduce Footprints blog for details.) If you have a few minutes, drop by and visit The Squishable Baby ... you'll find a welcoming blog full of useful information and inspiration!

For previous features & blogs, check out the Meet & Greet Page:

Our link-up is live. Please list your blog, visit and have fun!

This week, you may post a maximum of 2 links. It can be your blog, a social network page, a site where you sell Eco-friendly products or services ... basically any site as long as it is Eco-friendly.