
Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - August - Garry Rogers Nature Conservation

Welcome to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green community.

A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints

Grab our banner for your site:

The rules:

1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or collection of environmental posts.
2. Visit at least one other blog and/or the featured site and leave a pertinent comment.
3. The link-up will remain open for a month.
4. determines the featured site each month.

This month, chose Garry Rogers Nature Conservation as our featured blog. I first "met" Garry via Tribber. His articles captured my attention because many of them spoke about animals. When we think about endangered species, we typically think about elephants, rhinos, polar bears, and whales. While Garry does speak to the plight of these beautiful creatures, he also draws attention to some of the lesser known species like the pangolin (sometimes called the "walking artichoke"), the spiny dogfish , and a very cute little cat called a kodkod. In addition to endangered species, readers will find posts on animal rights and welfare. I was particularly interested in a recent article about circus animals and why circuses should be banned immediately ... it'll make you see events under the "big top" differently. Conservation is not just about animals. Garry presents information on fracking, solar use, sunflowers, and what to do with the blackened woodland left behind after a wildfire. Garry Rogers Nature Conservation is a bit like a quality news network ... it gathers together pertinent, timely, conservation news and serves it to us in a straightforward manner. It is an excellent resource!

For previous features & blogs, check out the Meet & Greet Page:

Our link-up is live. Please list your blog, visit and have fun!