
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Comfort Zones

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!

Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet. Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!

If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.

This post contains great information and I encourage you to read through it at your leisure ... however, if you are short on time, you might find the following quick links helpful:

Last week we looked for small things to make a difference. Awhile back my truck was stolen and with it, my glass straw. I don't go out often but have noticed that all restaurants automatically place a straw on the table or tray. So I decided to forgo any straw and just drink the old fashioned way ... straight from the glass. Not only does it save plastic and paper (used to individually wrap each straw), it saves the need to manufacture more. It also keeps these items out of landfills.

The Honor Society are those people who help us spread the "green" word by writing an article about our challenges and/or leaving pertinent comments.

Laurel accepted our challenge and wrote Small Changes for #CTWW. She offers a bunch of creative ideas and even suggests additional challenges for her readers (check out #3).

Argentum Vulgaris doesn't use straws and avoids another "small" item. It's something which a lot of people don't even think about but it does add up to a lot of waste. Can you guess what it is? Find out in Change the World Wednesday – 22nd Oct.

Deborah joined us and said, "With regards to CTWW Small Things, I agree that small changes add up to create a cumulative difference! In our home we are improving indoor air quality by replacing toxic air fresheners with DIY essential oil diffusers and replacing toxic cleaning products with DIY Citrus Vinegars. This post on was designed to help people make small green changes in their daily lives so i am sharing it this week here on Reduce Footprints: "The Green 18: Quick and Easy Tips for Living Green Every Day"

Cinella accepted the challenge and shared this: "I recently bought a pack of reusable straws... gonna make a reusable pouch to carry one in :) " You can read more about that project, including a link with photos, in #CTWW: Challenge Accepted!

Lois stopped by and left these comments: "I have been losing track of the days and missed writing a post for Change the World Wednesday. So a quick recap here, I don't use straws, use as little toilet paper as possible (plus only use recycled paper). I not only turn off lights but have replaced the light fixtures that used three or four bulbs with one LED bulb per fixture, Currently with the house in a constant state of flux remodeling and cleaning I've taken to using the flashlight on my phone to safely negotiate my way through a room late at night instead of turning on the overheads. I have a couple of plants although I lost one in the move, I don't take baths and I changed out the shower hose for a low flow model. Since moving into the new house I've also sold the huge fridge for a small dorm-sized model." By the way, Lois recently wrote a very interesting article on Global Dimming. Have you ever heard that phrase before? Visit her blog to learn more.

Inge' offers several small things in Change The World Wednesday: Small Things. One of her ideas involves newspapers. Very clever!

Mrs. Green has chosen an interesting task to fulfil this challenge: "Thanks for this SF - as ever you've read my mind! This week Mr G knocked a plant off the side and I'm ashamed to say it's still there waiting for some TLC! I'm so embarrassed by my (lack of) actions! So, under your watchful gaze I'm prioritising the repotting job first thing tomorrow... And I have a plan up my sleeve for shower times too ;) How the small things make a difference. Thanks for keeping me accountable!"

In this edition of Shopping Charity, one of your CTWW posts was mentioned. Was it yours?

Alicia dropped in and said, "We are good to turn off lights when we leave a room and we bought some reusable glass straws this past year. By the way they are awesome and really easy to clean! We have had plants in our home for years now and love how they improve the quality of air. We take showers and have a low flow shower head but I can use some improvement in the toilet paper area! I am not bad but could use a little improvement. I don't take long showers but am going to make an effort to cut back at least a couple of minutes for each shower I take. Really good challenge!!"

The #CTWW Gang are those folks who tweet our challenges using the hashtag #CTWW. If you're a Twitter member, I recommend following them ... they share great things. Let's meet them:

@allcollegeplan @andreaptak @artbysandra
@beatepdx @bethcooperart @biculturalmama
@biggreenpen @cannyhighlander @cellomomoncars
@collegegogreen @comusetravels @csevenm_uk
@debsmikdav1 @dieselelephants @doxies22
@eco_novice @ecoexpert1 @ecotique
@envirobooty @factorydpromos @familyfocusblog
@fleurdeb @foggybottomgal @forloveofadog
@freshcleanersaz @givetreegifts @goldforestgrain
@greenqueenofmod @groovygreenlivi @herbgir1972
@irishcarter1 @jnaquins @justanotherhat
@kaitlingarder @kayhahn1 @kriswetherbee
@krmbalclothing @laalicia @ladyjcmuses
@laurelhounslow @lioncontainers @luthienthye
@marjoriemcatee @mzazeela @nolafusion
@organicweave @rainbojangles @rainyofthedark
@rckweddings @realityarts @romerojewelers
@sfcouncil @shiraaichan @shoppingcharity
@sjoecable @spafloating @suppressthis
@therita @theworld4realz @treesgroup
@turningclockbac @urban_mining @whopaysthepiper

My Final Thoughts:

Looking for small things is really about attitude. There's always something more we can do but it takes a willingness to change something we're already doing. Attitude is everything!

Thanks, everyone! If you wrote an article, I Stumbled, Tweeted, Facebooked and posted it on Google +. You can help spread the "green" word by using the share features located below this post.

This Week's Challenge:

Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Comfort Zones
Are you comfortable
with green living ideas?
When it comes to green living, we all have our comfort zones. And that's fine because every effort that we make contributes to a better world.

But sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zone helps us learn something new ... it pushes us to reach new environmental heights.

Here's your challenge ...

This week, step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Need some ideas?
  • Turn off your heat or A/C for a day.
  • Experience life without a refrigerator for a day (or a week) by refusing to open/use yours.
  • Turn off the computer for a day.
  • Go grocery shopping and only buy organic.
  • Skip taking a bath for at least one more day than you normally would.
  • Eat raw, vegan food for day or longer.
The idea, this week, is to force ourselves out of our comfort zones and try something which we've hesitated to try in the past. Who knows, it could open us up to a whole new world.

Are you ready to change the world? I know that you are!

Until next time ...