
Monday, March 9, 2015

Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - March - Organic 4 Greenlivings

Welcome to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green community.

A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints

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For 2015, Meet & Greet will operate a bit differently than previous years. This year, I'll be featuring blogs which I find via my Internet travels or blogs which you recommend via the link-up widget below. Please visit the Meet & Greet Page for all the details.

Ready to meet this month's featured blog and blogger?

Let's get started ...

Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - March - Organic 4 Greenlivings
For over 20 years, Marla has suffered from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). If you, or anyone you know, suffers from MCS then you know that it's a tricky illness. There aren't tests which state clearly that the condition is present or that it is caused by a specific chemical. In fact, some in the medical profession don't consider it an illness at all. Consequently, finding a cure is often left to the individual.

Marla started her road to recovery by cleaning up her personal environment. She started in her home, looking at things like carpet and air filters. She cleaned up her diet, opting for non-gmo foods. And then she moved beyond her home and took a look at how chemicals pollute our air and water.

In Organic 4 Greenlivings, Marla shares her experiences and all the knowledge that she has acquired. Readers will find wonderful articles on natural ways to decorate a home, food allergies and allergies caused by things like latex, and how fragrance affects your health. I learned a lot from a couple of articles on organic gardening and growing organic strawberries in pots. I even found a great recipe for keeping a septic system healthy.

Marla is also a co-host of one of my favorite blog hops, Real Food Fridays. What makes this link-up so special is that recipes must be free of GMOs, granulated sugar, food dye, high fructose corn syrup, and processed foods. The recipes shared are typically made from whole, organic foods. In other words, they are healthy!

Organic 4 Greenlivings has become one of my favorite blogs. It is well written, down to earth, and filled with pertinent and usable information. Check it out ... I'm sure it'll become one of your favorites, as well!

Now it's your turn! Please use the following widget to list your blog and/or recommend a blog.

For previous features, please click HERE.