My name is Cyndi (aka Small Footprints) and I'm the owner of Reduce Footprints. I live in Barnardsville, North Carolina ... a lovely town nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.
In 2008 the apartment complex which I lived in decided to start charging residents for water. As you might imagine, people were concerned about the expense, especially since the United States was experiencing a financial crises. My neighbors began talking about ways to conserve and as I listened to them I kept thinking that there must be more that we could do.
Around the same time, I became frustrated with the news media. They talked a lot about global warming and the state of our environment, telling viewers that the situation was dire. But ... they never shared ideas about how we could change things. Their reports left me feeling powerless.
Those two events prompted me to create Reduce Footprints ... to research and share information about the easy ways we could take the power back and do something positive for our planet. To my surprise, there are a lot of people "out there" who feel the same way and they've shared their experiences with me ... I've learned so much from people all over the world ... people who care about the earth.
Reduce Footprints Blog closed it's doors in June, 2015. During it's seven years, both readers and I searched for ways to make a difference. I believe we succeeded!
Browse the blog for posts on green living ... while there won't be any new content added, there are a lot of pertinent posts to read.
Reduce Footprints has been mentioned in these places:
The Complete Guide to Eco-Friendly Home Lighting
(Chapter 4)
Organic, Green, Eco-Friendly & Sustainable