Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Planning Ahead

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!

Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet. Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!

If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.

This post contains great information and I encourage you to read through it at your leisure ... however, if you are short on time, you might find the following quick links helpful:

Last week, we took the "Good News" baton from Cello Mom and searched for positive environmental stories. We celebrated the people, companies, and even governments who are making a difference through their actions. The idea behind this challenge is that success breeds more success. After all, who doesn't want to be a part of the solution rather than the problem? When we read about public gardens sprouting up in low-income areas, or a corporation's commitment to reducing CO2 levels, we become inspired and look for areas where we can contribute. Sharing the positive makes heroes of us all.

The Honor Society are those people who help us spread the "green" word by writing an article about our challenges and/or leaving pertinent comments.

CelloMom inspired this challenge with her post entitled We Need Good News on Climate Change. She also shared this: "THANK YOU for featuring Good News on the environment! I pledge to pin any stories (please include URL) on my "Reasons for Hope" pinterest board (, and to tweet them under the #ItsHappening hashtag. No victory too small! I'll start: Try this uplifting book by David Suzuki and Holly Dressel: "Good News for a Change: How Everyday People are Helping the Planet"." Thank you, CelloMom, for kicking off such a great week!

Lisa wrote An Environmental Good News Moment. In her typical generous fashion, she introduces her readers to other bloggers who are trying to make a difference. It's a lovely post! I recognized most of the bloggers mentioned ... do you know them?

In Change the World Wednesday, November 13, Lois shared some good news about the FDA and their decision to step in and help honey bees. She also gives readers an update on the results of the previous week's challenge where we invited loved-ones to join us in a green activity. As always, Lois, you inspire us with your green creativity.

Alicia, who always has a positive attitude, shares this: "Most people don't realize that each of us can make a real difference. It doesn't have to be big just make an effort to start. For example If all of the households in the U.S. would switch from hot to warm-cold when they do their laundry we could save the energy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil a day! During an average year an American uses approximately 2,200 napkins. If each person used just one less napkin per day more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year. Nearly 90% of plastic water bottles are NOT recycled each year. Look what a difference it would make if each of us used a reusable water bottle! Consider buying items from second hand stores, turn your computers off at night, take shorter showers, adjust your thermostat and try to buy local when you can. Really the list goes on and on. There are so many ways that we can really make a difference. I have had people tell me that that they thought it would be hard to help the environment and to " go green " Then they realize how easy it is to make a difference. They just needed educated on how to start."

When I clicked on Change the World Wednesday – 15 Nov by Argentum Vulgaris, the first thing I saw was a huge FAIL in bright red letters. Oh no! But that was deceiving because when I read the post I discovered several pieces of good news, like recycling in Brazil, and an effort to eliminate litter. So what was the fail all about? Click over to find out. Just between you and me ... I'd cross out the word "Fail" and replace it with "Success"!

This edition of Sunflowers & Edibles included CTWW mentions by tweeters Beckster and Andi-Roo.

Our Twitter friends joined the conversation and shared the following:

From @VioletsBuds
- I love to upcycle items, using reclaimed and re-purposed materials in my hair accessories. #eco
- I like to be green by swapping supplies with other crafters that can use them #CTWW We're swapping this weekend!

From @HerbGir1972
- Teach a kid to care, Help them grow a #Garden. Connects them to Earth & Food...Creates a better being....

From @anujasaw
- Eleanor Roosevelt on reminded me of Kahlil Gibran On Children :)
- When a #solar plant in India generated more than expected,when people said it won't work, it was good news!

From @KrmbalClothing
- love this, I was just thinking about how all my eco-news is depressing & blame-y, no wonder no one wants to pay attention!
- Hey look at this - Kashi has made a commitment to make their food more non-GMO #CTWW
- Hey #CTWW gang - check out this closed-loop recycling shower article sent by a Krmbal fan!…
- I <3 this new recycling campaign launched for America Recycles Day #CTWW

From @EcoPassport
- And we're a crazy dangerous #CTWW gang !

From @OfficialCWerner
- My #CTWW This Cilantro is ready for harvesting and sharing!

From @laalicia
- eco chic for your ears

From @GiveTreeGifts
- Kids for Climate Action aims to engage youth on the environment
- 43 festivals grab Greener Festival awards

From @VivEgan41
- A #BINORACLE post for #CTWW…

The #CTWW Gang are those folks who tweet our challenges using the hashtag #CTWW. If you're a Twitter member, I recommend following them ... they share great things. Let's meet them:

@89linz @a_kiasi @allnaturalkatie
@anitaadamsnc @anujasaw @beatepdx
@biculturalmama @bike2power @bstoneblog
@cellomomoncars @cheryl_schwerd @cleansediva
@conservationm @coronatools @counselorholley
@crazedmom @dehelen @dusdifissette
@eco_novice @ecoexpert1 @ecopassport
@ecothrifty @esssc7 @frederickbrooke
@ginavalley @givetreegifts @groovygreenlivi
@herbgir1972 @hismerecry @ionpowergroup
@jaemacjustsayin @jenkehl @jenniharris4
@kriswetherbee @krmbalclothing @laalicia
@lady_bren @ladyjcmuses @leadsafeamerica
@lisaclemgreen @mamapoolecooks @mamasmoney
@marjoriemcatee @mizmeliz @mom2tle
@momgamerwriter @nathi_myeni @nebulousmooch
@nestfullofnew @officialcwerner @ourfavadventure
@pedalgadgets @plus2point4 @proamusa
@rckweddings @realityarts @robbornstein
@rtrecipe @rulesofgreen @sayitrahshay
@shannongrissom @smallbits @soulfullab
@spafloating @squishablebaby @stilettofiles
@theworld4realz @treesgroup @tsmp_blogguide
@useventphotos @violetsbuds @vivegan41
@wencdj @whopaysthepiper

My Final Thoughts:

I've never understood the idea behind spreading bad news. In most cases, it makes us feel hopeless which, in turn, immobilizes our efforts. Sharing the positive, however, inspires us to try ... to make an effort to succeed and make a difference. Just imagine what would happen if we turned on the nightly television news and saw report after report on wonderful, green successes achieved by people like us. Good inspires good! I encourage you to continue sharing good environmental news ... it has the power to change the world.

Thanks, everyone! If you wrote an article, I Stumbled, Tweeted, Facebooked and posted it on Google +. You can help spread the "green" word by using the share features located below this post.

This Week's Challenge:

This is our FINAL CHALLENGE OF 2013. WhooHoo! I will be taking a break from blogging beginning November 25th, returning on January 20, 2014. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your CTWW participation this year. You have truly made a difference in our world.

Ready for your last challenge? Here you go ...

Using the comments below, please answer this question:

What would you like to see on Reduce Footprints in 2014?

I'd like to know if there's anything you'd like us to add, delete, or improve upon. How can we make CTWW better? Does Meet & Greet work for you? Do you find guest posts valuable and, if so, what topics would you like to see? Can we improve upon the Recipes, Reviews, and Special Offers pages? All suggestions are welcome so ... the sky is the limit ... consider this your "wish list" for a new Reduce Footprints blog!

Let's meet back here in January, shall we?

Until then ...