Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet. Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage you to read through it at your leisure ... however, if you are short on time, you might find the following quick links helpful:
Last week began a month of sharing resources. Our first challenge asked that we share books. I love to read but don't actually own many books. The ones that I do own tend to be reference materials which I refer to often. While I love the look and feel of books, it seems a waste of money and resources to own one which I might only read once. So I use the library.
The Honor Society are those people who help us spread the "green" word by writing an article about our challenges and/or leaving pertinent comments.
Christine joined us and shared this: "I thought books came from libraries and went back before the fine was due. I only keep a few reference books (gardening)."
LaAlicia shared her favorite way to save paper. Check out Quad Chevron Necklace Made With Security Envelopes. What a beautiful way to share resources!
Clare accepted the challenge. Here are her comments: " Living on a small tropical island has its challenges – there isn’t the range of choices in food, décor, clothes etc. But it’s extremely good in other ways – we all share. A lot. I go to fortnightly Scrabble games where we all bring books, DVDs, newspapers and magazines that we’ve read, and share them around. A monthly charity meeting has a library for books and DVDs where we buy items and the money goes to a good cause. When someone falls ill, we all rally round and bring our books, puzzle books and magazines to keep them entertained, and car-share hospital visits. When we entertain, we rely on others. Mostly, we’ll have enough cups, plates, glasses etc for ourselves but not for a get-together. So everyone brings along their glasses or whatever’s needed and it’s good fun. No point in buying multiples of everything just for entertaining and then have it sitting there taking up space the rest of the time! There aren’t facilities for hiring tools (sadly), but again we rely on borrowing from friends rather than buying our own. Recycling glass is now possible here (hooray), so we bring ours to one spot and then only one car makes the long journey to the recycling place. If we visit friends and we know they’re going to the paper or plastic recycling bins (which are a little closer to home), we’ll bring our recycling with us to our friends, and they’ll make one trip. None of this is new or innovative – it’s what used to happen – and it just makes sense. Thanks for another good CTWW challenge - I hadn't really thought about the amount of sharing we do!"
Morag stopped by and said, "Great challenge. If anyone manages to complete the lend part of this challenge it they can check-in here: http://www.worldchanging.me/education-and-culture/book-worm-well-read/level-2 it's "level 2! of a three level quest. If you borrow something from your library check-in on this quest http://www.worldchanging.me/community/library-love/level-2 - again level 2 of a three level quest - GOOD LUCK :) "
Alicia completed this task: "We don't buy a lot of books or magazines. We usually do most of our reading on line because it makes for so much less waste. However recently I started going through some boxes that we had in storage while we lived in California and found several books that I had forgotten we had. I got them together and donated them. Some went to a homeschooling family and others we donated to other organizations."
Maryam joined us. She says, "Hi there! Wow, thanks for the mention, it was unexpected! How exciting hihihi I really like this months challenge and this week's challenge is so cool too! A couple years ago I started buying second-hand and new books to build a mini library. Now I lend books out for free, for an unlimited time (except if someone else wants to read the same book) and fines do not exist here! I love the idea of sharing resources and books especially as I absolutely love books!! On my blog you can find a page dedicated to books that I have recommended on topics such as natural living, natural child rearing and spirituality: http://natural0woman.blogspot.co.uk/p/books-and-other-references.html Thanks for this challenge! Can't wait to read more!"
Lois shared this: "This challenge would be a half fail for me. Yes, I share books and no longer keep most. Between my son, and two daughters-in-law I am able to share most of what I read, the rest gets donated to a charity run thrift shop or the local library. But where I fail this month is in purchasing books. I have been trying very hard to only read ebooks this year, but I long to hold a paper book in my hands so I ordered a couple of books I haven't been able to find in digital format from half.com. To save on packaging (and shipping costs) was to locate one book I wanted then scan through everything that seller had to find a couple more on my wishlist. When I am done with them they will be passed on."
Thanks to Deborah for her comments: "I love the CTWW Challenges! In my building we started a used book lending library in our laundry room to share books. My neighbor collects old books and sells them for a dollar in front of our building and donates funds to her favorite charities. I love to use my local public library rather than buying new books.I also gather used books and share them with book-loving friends and relatives. Thank you so much for sharing this CTWW Book Challenge with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing!"
Vicality not only challenged their readers to visit a library, they talked about why sharing books is a good thing. They even provided addresses to local libraries for readers' convenience. Check out Visit your local library.
Our Twitter friend, @rulesofgreen , joined the conversation and shared this:
- love the small library idea! Will think about the possibility to create something like that in our community.
- I have a box of books in the attic that is waiting for the next flea market.
The #CTWW Gang are those folks who tweet our challenges using the hashtag #CTWW. If you're a Twitter member, I recommend following them ... they share great things. Let's meet them:
My Final Thoughts:
Public libraries have been around for a long time (for a great article on the history of libraries, read this post: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2236/how-did-public-libraries-get-started). While their original purpose had little to do with protecting the environment, it did recognize the need to share resources and ensure that all citizens had access to information. Libraries before this time (The Boston Public Library, considered the first US public library, opened in 1854) were basically collections of books (sometimes offered to friends or members of a club) which weren't maintained. So they deteriorated relatively fast. The opening of the The Boston Library started the preservation of books. This had a wonderful side benefit ... it created an Eco-friendly way to share resources.
Thanks, everyone! If you wrote an article, I Tweeted, Facebooked and posted it on Google +. You can help spread the "green" word by using the share features located below this post.
This Week's Challenge:
February's theme is: Sharing Resources
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Sharing seeds promotes biodiversity |
Today, most people head to the store for either a packet of seeds to plant or seedlings which have been started in commercial nurseries. There are very few varieties available and most are not organic. Not only has biodiversity suffered, it is nearly impossible to save seeds at the end of the harvest for next year's garden.
Here's your challenge ...
This week, consider hosting a seed swap. Invite some friends and ask everyone to bring organic seeds to trade. If you'd rather not host a swap, investigate swap parties in your area and participate (it's a great way to get to know neighbors and other gardeners). Or, start a seed library by organizing seed donations and making them available to neighbors. The idea of this challenge is to share seeds in a fun, creative way.
OR ...
If seed swaps and/or libraries aren't your thing, share gardening information on your blog, social network, or while visiting with a neighbor "across the fence". Consider sharing books which you've found useful or helpful Internet sites. Perhaps share tried and true techniques. And be sure to listen ... others have a wealth of information which might help your garden to prosper. The idea of this challenge is to share information so that we can all have fabulous gardens this year.
If seed swaps and/or libraries aren't your thing, share gardening information on your blog, social network, or while visiting with a neighbor "across the fence". Consider sharing books which you've found useful or helpful Internet sites. Perhaps share tried and true techniques. And be sure to listen ... others have a wealth of information which might help your garden to prosper. The idea of this challenge is to share information so that we can all have fabulous gardens this year.
We're sharing seeds and gardening information! Are you up for the challenge? I know that you are!
Until next time ...